donderdag 31 maart 2016

Tantrisch Relateren

Het pad naar Tantrische Relaties is een groeipad. Het 'nieuwe' relateren vraagt onvoorwaardelijke aandacht en toewijding en vooral de bereidheid samen te willen kijken naar wat er tussen jullie opgeroepen wordt. Hierin ook wezenlijk de verbinding maken naar elkaar en elkaar ontvangen als in een lemniscaire uitwisseling. Als je dat niet wilt, zijn jullie gewoon twee willekeurige mensen, die elkaar ook gewoon even op straat ontmoet hadden kunnen hebben. Dit laatste heeft helemaal niets met Tantrische Relaties en 'verlicht' (licht) relateren te maken.

De dingen die tussen jullie opgeroepen worden, hoeven jullie niet 'via' elkaar uit te spelen, te projecteren. Jullie kunnen gewoon op tafel leggen wat er opgeroepen wordt en daar dan samen naar kijken. Niet als in 'opvoedend' of 'therapeutisch' naar elkaar kijken, niet door 'aan' elkaar te gaan werken, maar het te hebben over de dingen die tussen jullie gebeuren. Dit is ten diepste Tantra. Samen kijken, omdat er in dat wat opgeroepen wordt iets zit dat gezien wil worden. Als je niet samen wilt kijken, dan blijft alles hangen en dan moet het wel via elkaar gaan. En dat kan op vele manieren gaan: meestal zie je dan dat er naar elkaar toe heel direct uitgesproken gaat worden wat je denkt! in elkaar te zien, wat je denkt! dat er aan de hand is. Dit denken wordt versluierd. Is maar zeer zelden helder. Maar meestal zien partners dat niet. Dat is wat gebeurt als je elkaar spiegelt, maar je niet samen wilt kijken. Dit gekleurde waarnemen, roept vanzelfsprekend weer van alles op. Maar als de verbinding geweigerd wordt, dan is dit hoe het gaat. En als dat dan ook geweigerd wordt, dan is er dus wezenlijk helemaal geen verbinding, is er alleen maar elkaar energetisch vast zetten. Wat je persoonlijk wel weer los kunt laten, door flink aan je eigen los-laat-kunstjes te werken. Deze manier van omgaan met elkaar zet vast, maakt onvrij, belast elkaar.

Deze manier van omgaan met elkaar is 'oud'. Relaties kunnen nu veel vrijer vorm krijgen, door WEL de verbinding aan te gaan. De verbinding wel degelijk aangaan is helemaal geen drama meer. Er hoeven geen issues meer verwerkt te worden. Er wil gewoon iets uit de verbinding zelf ontstaan, maar dan moeten jullie wel bereid zijn te willen kijken naar wat zich aandient en wat zich aandient met een groots 'ja' omarmen. Velen verlangen naar tantrisch relateren, naar Tantrische Relaties, omdat ze helemaal klaar zijn met het oude en daar niet meer willen gaan. Met tantrisch relateren, kijk je samen vanuit nieuw (bewustzijns)gebied naar jullie relatie. Je gaat vanuit een nieuw paradigma jullie verbinding waarnemen. Niet vanuit issues die nog afgewerkt moeten worden, want dat hoeft niet. Maar wel vanuit precies dat wat zich aandient. Zodat jullie niet langer van alles laten liggen, maar het écht aankijken, samen, waardoor het steeds lichter en lichter wordt tussen jullie.

mascha roedelof

Deze column mag vrij verspreid worden met Bronvermelding 
mas©ha 2016

Ook geplaatst op Finding Voices Radio door Jeroen Ghuijs
Finding Voices Radio

maandag 14 maart 2016

We must get HOME

Moeder Natuur

We must get home!
How could we stray like this? -
So far from home, we know not where it is, -
Only in some fair, apple-blossomy place
Of children's faces - and the mother's face -

We dimly dream it, till the vision clears
Even in the eyes of fancy, glad with tears.

We must get home - for we have been away
So long, it seems forever and a day!

And O so very homesick we have grown,
The laughter of the world is like a moan
In our tired hearing, and its song as vain, -
We must get home - we must get home again!

We must get home! With heart and soul we yearn
To find the long-lost pathway, and return!...
The child's shout lifted from the questing band
Of old folk, faring weary, hand in hand,

But faces brightening, as if clouds at last
Were showering sunshine on us as we passed.
We must get home: It hurts so staying here,
Where fond hearts must be wept out tear by tear,

And where to wear wet lashes means, at best,
When most our lack, the least our hope of rest -
When most our need of joy, the more our pain -
We must get home - we must get home again!

We must get home - home to the simple things -
The morning-glories twirling up the strings
And bugling color, as they blared in blue-
And-white o'er garden-gates we scampered through;

The long grape-arbor, with its under-shade
Blue as the green and purple overlaid.
We must get home: All is so quiet there:
The touch of loving hands on brow and hair -

Dim rooms, wherein the sunshine is made mild -
The lost love of the mother and the child
Restored in restful lullabies of rain, -
We must get home - we must get home again!

The rows of sweetcorn and the China beans
Beyond the lettuce-beds where, towering, leans
The giant sunflower in barbaric pride
Guarding the barn-door and the lane outside;

The honeysuckles, midst the hollyhocks,
That clamber almost to the martin-box.
We must get home, where, as we nod and drowse,
Time humors us and tiptoes through the house,

And loves us best when sleeping baby-wise,
With dreams - not tear-drops - brimming our clenched eyes, -
Pure dreams that know nor taint nor earthly stain -
We must get home - we must get home again!

We must get home! The willow-whistle's call
Trills crisp and liquid as the waterfall -
Mocking the trillers in the cherry-trees
And making discord of such rhymes as these,

That know nor lilt nor cadence but the birds
First warbled - then all poets afterwards.
We must get home; and, unremembering there
All gain of all ambition otherwhere,

Rest - from the feverish victory, and the crown
Of conquest whose waste glory weighs us down. -
Fame's fairest gifts we toss back with disdain -
We must get home - we must get home again!

We must get home again - we must - we must! -
(Our rainy faces pelted in the dust)
Creep back from the vain quest through endless strife
To find not anywhere in all of life

A happier happiness than blest us then ...
We must get home - we must get home again!

~ James Whitcomb Riley

zondag 13 maart 2016

Cosmic Tantric Sex (Ne)

Cosmic Tantric Sex


De feiten VANUIT Cosmic Tantric Sex haar Universele Giften en hoe ze het Normale Samen Leven op Aarde kan bedden
Sex verkoopt. Er zijn vele internationale bedrijfstakken en hun publiciteit via advertenties bewijzen dit. Zij laten allen één aspect buiten beschouwing, omdat het juist dit aspect is dat volledig vervullend is, voor iedereen overal vrijelijk beschikbaar (onder de juiste omstandigheden), 100% gegarandeerd, waardoor de commerciële bedrijfstakken zichzelf 'out of business' zetten als ze dit aspect niet zouden negeren.

Wil je dit aspect leren kennen? Lees dan verder, zodat volledige en voortdurende extase VANUIT 'The Cosmic Love and Life' ook voor jou vrijelijk beschikbaar komt. Ik noem deze 'activiteit' 'Cosmic Tantric Sex', omdat dat precies is wat het is: onze lichamelijke verbinding met De Bron Kracht van waaruit alles, inclusief wij, ontstaat en in beweging gebracht wordt.

Het is de enige vitale fysieke verbinding en relatie met onze hersenen, lichamen, samenleving, en onze omgeving. Haar effecten hebben bewezen dat ze de enige Bron is van onze LevensKracht Energie en ondergedompeld in Haar Veld ontvouwt onze Nuclear DNA Codes van binnenuit en heelheid in onze lichamen en hersenen is het directe gevolg.

Echte Liefde

Ondergedompeld in Haar Veld ervaren we haar echte, levenGevende pulsaties van moment tot moment en helen we 'als vanzelf' op alle lagen (fysiek, emotioneel, mentaal, spiritueel, en energetisch).

Cosmic Tantric Sex is niet voor hen die VANUIT LUST kiezen te leven
Voordat je verder leest, moet je beseffen dat Cosmic Tantric Sex niet voor hen is die VANUIT LUST kiezen te leven. Cosmic Tantric Sex is voor de 'hard-core' 'zoekers' die VANUIT Eenheid en Verbinding met BronKracht willen leven.

Verbinding op ALLE lagen
Het verbindt ons zo diep op ALLE lagen dat veel mensen doodsbang zijn om überhaupt te weten dat dit bestaat. Zij die de diepte niet durven beleven, rennen weg van deze Verbinding.
Als dit niet is waar je diep naar verlangd dan kun je wellicht beter niet verder lezen en je heil zoeken bij hen die je minder diepgang bieden en een imitatie van de essentie die jouw hersenen en lichaam, je samenleving en omgeving in zwakte laten bestaan, omdat het jouw LevensKracht leeg zuigt.
Alle internationale bedrijfstakken (niet slechts de 'sex-gerelateerden) willen dat je in deze zwakke afhankelijke positie blijft, omdat degenen die zich tot hen wenden regelmatige afnemers en betalers zijn van hun commerciële producten.

Ledigheid is de naam van hun spel en persoonlijke onvervuldheid is hun voordeel. Ten diepste blijven de afnemers in diepe pijn achter.
Als je tot hier gekomen bent met lezen, neem ik aan dat je het echt wilt weten. Ik ga dan ook verder met je uit te leggen hoe Cosmic Tantric Sex elk deel van jouw Zijn versterkt en diepe fysieke gevoelens van bliss oproept dat het Leven zelf jouw Geliefde wordt.
Ik verwijs terug naar de tijd waar iedereen en alles op Aarde dit als de enige manier van fysieke verbinding ervaarde. Dit was eenvoudig de fysieke Verbinding met De Creatieve BronKracht die voor en door alles en iedereen in de hele Organische Yoniverse bewoog.

De Cosmos ofwel de Organische Yoniverse was voortdurend verbonden. De Kracht van deze werking wiegde de wereld met langzame en zachte golven van genot en elke tijd en ruimte... dezelfde hier als overal in de Oneindigheid. De effecten vormden, cultiveerden, zuiverden en controleerden alles wat we 'Materie' noemen.

De Matrix is de Womb van ALLE Materie, Zij is LevenGevend... Zij is Moeder Natuur, de Organische / Oorspronkelijke Yoniverse, die zowel de Divine Feminine als de Divine Masculine krachten omvat en insluit.
Je zou het zelfs een voortdurend sexueel orgie kunnen noemen, maar het was veel meer dan dat. Het was een volledige sensuele erotische ervaring met onze gehele 'Heilige Natuur'. Fijngevoelige interacties typeerden dit Leven. Het was de enige fysieke manier waardoor alles was gecreëerd en gemotiveerd.
De fysieke Echte Liefde van De Matrix werd letterlijk door Haar gehele fysieke Wezen gevoeld inclusief door de fysieke Tempel van Haar mensen.

Think not that this is just some tale of 'dumb-coupling', like those made famous in blonde jokes and Evolutionary Theory. On the contrary, it was Infinite Intelligence filling all things with itself through the ultimate height of Intimate Integration.
Their ecstasies gave Infinite insight in to 'all matters', the same as now witnessed in Mother Nature's wild animals. They need no teachers of 'Cosmic Tantric Sex' to get into, and experience, its flow of sensual intelligence, because they aren't the ones who became disconnected from it.

Our species is the only one who became that ignorant
I use that descriptor, instead of stupid, because this wasn't something people did willfully in the beginning. It was forced on them by all of the ancestors of the aforementioned international industries / agencies. I know this because it's written all over both their Religious and Secular His-story. When you look into the story of the Indian people and their intruders from the 'United Kingdom' you will find this truth also: in the times of the Vedics Tantra was sacred and (w)holy and those deeply understood the profound Essence of this all.
'The Creative Source' of 'The Creative Force' was obvious to them, as was the way to disempower Her, because they (the English for example) too had 'The Intelligence' freely given  by The Matrix and therefore knew exactly how to abuse and misuse that physical Power and us.
Cosmic Tantric Sex comes from physical union with the Infinite Electromagnetic Field of The Cosmos pulsating as in for and through our brains, our bodies, our societies and the Earth's Environment. 
They are known as Life Force Energy, Sexual Energy, Chi, Qi, Prana, Intuition... Their vibrations give us heightened senses, which then actually have the ability to make perfect sense of everything. Their intentions and activities are pure pleasure to experience in every physical way, shape, form, and area.
Therefore, the way to reverse all of this perfect pleasure and block access to the direct knowledge induced by it into all of creation was to intend and practice the exact opposite. So disconnection was violently forced on others as the most simple way to cause it.

Civilization and domestication were invented to prolong ‘The Wheel of Suffering
Rape based on wrong conceptions (of every mental, emotional and physical sort) was then imposed thereby weakening entire populations. The Matrix was replaced with man-made information. (Electrosmog qualifies as the same false pulsations.) The resonances it in-gendered in brain, body, society and environment severed the physical union between 'The Love and Life Field' and humans causing all manner of pain and confusion.
The physical effects then rippled down (genetically) through each successive descendant, multiplying the damages we experience now physically living and moving in and around us. Their sensations won't stop until people return to their ‘First Love and Life' and the conceptions caused by physically coupling with Mother Nature’s perfect Intents and Effects. The Cosmic Tantric Sex that results really is 'Mind-Blowing'. It cleanses us of all of our physical impurities and replaces everything we were wrongly taught with the Infinite Bliss of  Biological Reality. This experience was, and is, called a Kundalini Rising. 

The new creations that result from this coupling are nothing short of physically perfect.

Voorbij lust
Als je niet meer in lust bent en je nog steeds 'hard-core' Cosmic Tantric Sex wilt beleven, doe dan wat alle Ancient Mystici zeiden: laat de verkrachting en ontkrachting van de 'beschaafde' wereld achter je en kom terug bij je Vrije Natuurlijke Zijn. Dompel jezelf en al jouw cellen onder in de Heilige Vibraties van het Echte Liefdes Veld van Moeder Natuur dat gebaseerd is op niets anders dan pure zuivere sensuele intelligentie.
Vanaf het moment dat je deze Oneindige Extase van Liefde en Leven ervaren hebt in je hersenen , lichaam, samenleving, en aardse omgeving ga je nooit meer terug naar onwetendheid en zijn verzwakkende omstandigheden die nu 'de standaard van leven en verbinden' zijn met alles dat jouw bestaan bezoedelt.

mascha roedelof
Deze column mag vrij verspreid worden met Bronvermelding  

zaterdag 12 maart 2016

Cosmic Tantric Sex (English)

Cosmic Tantric Sex


The Facts about Cosmic Tantric Sex its Universal Benefits and how they can Embed the Normal Living Together on Earth 
Sex sells. There are multiple international industries, and their advertising agencies, to prove it. They all ignore one aspect to this subject because it's totally fulfilling, available to everyone everywhere (under the right conditions), 100% guaranteed, completely free and will therefore put them out of business.

Would you want to know what this one aspect is? Then go on reading for a few minutes and I'll tell you how to get more pleasure from 'The Cosmic Love and Life' than you've ever experienced before. I'm calling this 'activity' 'Cosmic Tantric Sex', because that's exactly what it is, our physical union with 'The Source Force' that creates and moves everything perfectly including us.

It's the one physical coupling vital to all of the rest of the relationships in our brains, our bodies, our society and our environment.The effects have been proved to fully energize us, which fully unfolds our Nuclear DNA Codes from inside, producing physical wholeness in bodies and brains.

If we're not experiencing its real, live pulsations on a moment-to-moment basis, it's then that everything else, on every physical (which includes mental and emotional) level, eventually just 'breaks up'.

Cosmic Tantric Sex is not for those who want to stay in lust
Understand that Cosmic Tantric Sex is not for those who want to stay in lust. You'll find them making use of all of the other industries. It's for 'hard-core' seekers,  because there's nothing casual, nothing disconnected, about this experience.

Union on all levels
It unites us so deeply on all of the levels most people are terrified to even know exist, much more actually experience, that those who are faint of heart (and everything else within) run away from this union screaming.
So if something this completely interactive isn't what you're looking for, you should turn back now and return to all of the other, lower imitations that leave brains and bodies, their societies and environments total weaklings, because its sucking your Life Force Energy.
It's the much degraded state in which all of the international industries and agencies (not just the sex-related ones) want everyone to remain, because it makes their 'players' great repeat 'payers' for all of the propaganda and wares being sold to them.

Emptiness is the name of their game and personal unfulfillment is their gain. Those ripped off by this scam get only left with plenty of pain.
Now that I've made that fact clear, I'm presuming only the hard-core readers are left at this point. So I'll continue explaining how Cosmic Tantric Sex enhances every part of our beings, inducing such real, physical feelings of bliss that Life itself becomes The Lover its couples mutually experience inside and outside of everything.
To do so, I'll refer back to the time when this was the only kind of physical union experienced by everyone and everything, everywhere, all over the Earth. It was simply the physical coupling of 'The Creative Source and The Creative Force' moving as, in, for, and through everyone and everything, in the entire Organic Universe.

The Whole Cosmos, also known as the Organic Universe and The Matrix, was constantly connected. The Power of these activities 'Rocked The World' with slow and gentle waves of pleasure in every different time and space, the same here as all over Infinity. The effects composed (in both senses of that term), cultivated, cleansed and controlled all that we call 'Matter' and 'the space in between'.

The Matrix is the Womb of ALL Matter, She is Life Giving... She is Mother Nature, the Organic Universe, which includes the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine forces.
One could even call it 'one, continuous sexual orgy', but it was much more than that. It was a completely sensual erotic experience with our entirely 'Sacred Nature'. Highly sensitive interactions typified this Life. It was the sole physical method by which everything was created and motivated.
The physical Love of The Matrix was literally felt throughout Her entire physical Being, which also included the physical flesh of Her people.

Think not that this is just some tale of 'dumb-coupling', like those made famous in blonde jokes and Evolutionary Theory. On the contrary, it was Infinite Intelligence filling all things with itself through the ultimate height of Intimate Integration.
Their ecstasies gave Infinite insight in to 'all matters', the same as now witnessed in Mother Nature's wild animals. They need no teachers of 'Cosmic Tantric Sex' to get into, and experience, its flow of sensual intelligence, because they aren't the ones who became disconnected from it.

Our species is the only one who became that ignorant
I use that descriptor, instead of stupid, because this wasn't something people did willfully in the beginning. It was forced on them by all of the ancestors of the aforementioned international industries / agencies. I know this because it's written all over both their Religious and Secular His-story. When you look into the story of the Indian people and their intruders from the 'United Kingdom' you will find this truth also: in the times of the Vedics Tantra was sacred and (w)holy and those deeply understood the profound Essence of this all.
'The Creative Source' of 'The Creative Force' was obvious to them, as was the way to disempower Her, because they (the English for example) too had 'The Intelligence' freely given  by The Matrix and therefore knew exactly how to abuse and misuse that physical Power and us.
Cosmic Tantric Sex comes from physical union with the Infinite Electromagnetic Field of The Cosmos pulsating as in for and through our brains, our bodies, our societies and the Earth's Environment. 
They are known as Life Force Energy, Sexual Energy, Chi, Qi, Prana, Intuition... Their vibrations give us heightened senses, which then actually have the ability to make perfect sense of everything. Their intentions and activities are pure pleasure to experience in every physical way, shape, form, and area.
Therefore, the way to reverse all of this perfect pleasure and block access to the direct knowledge induced by it into all of creation was to intend and practice the exact opposite. So disconnection was violently forced on others as the most simple way to cause it.

Civilization and domestication were invented to prolong ‘The Wheel of Suffering
Rape based on wrong conceptions (of every mental, emotional and physical sort) was then imposed thereby weakening entire populations. The Matrix was replaced with man-made information. (Electrosmog qualifies as the same false pulsations.) The resonances it in-gendered in brain, body, society and environment severed the physical union between 'The Love and Life Field' and humans causing all manner of pain and confusion.
The physical effects then rippled down (genetically) through each successive descendant, multiplying the damages we experience now physically living and moving in and around us. Their sensations won't stop until people return to their ‘First Love and Life' and the conceptions caused by physically coupling with Mother Nature’s perfect Intents and Effects. The Cosmic Tantric Sex that results really is 'Mind-Blowing'. It cleanses us of all of our physical impurities and replaces everything we were wrongly taught with the Infinite Bliss of  Biological Reality. This experience was, and is, called a Kundalini Rising. 

The new creations that result from this coupling are nothing short of physically perfect.

Beyond lust
So if you're not in lust anymore and still want to experience hard-core Cosmic Tantric Sex you'll do as all of the Ancient Mystics said. You'll leave the rape of civilization and return to the wild. Then immerse your self, and your cells, in its Sacred motivation based on nothing else but purely sensual intelligence.
Once you experience Love and Life this Infinitely Ecstatic in Whole for brain, body, society, and all Earthly Environments, you'll never go back to ignorance and its weakening conditions that are now 'The Standard of Living and Coupling' with all that pollutes our existence.

mascha roedelof
Deze column mag vrij verspreid worden met Bronvermelding 